Being An Independent Agency Has It's Benefits!
As an independent agency, we can compare all the companies we represent to ensure that you get the very best value when it comes to your homeowners insurance in Medford, NJ. We also provide renter's insurance in South Jersey, for residents who are staying in apartments or condos.
Some of the homeowners insurance firms we represent include:
Frederick Mutual
American Strategic
Universal Property & Casualty
Frequently Asked Insurance Questions
What is covered by a Homeowners Policy?
Property damage. This includes damages to your home and/or other structures on your property, if these are damaged by a covered hazard, Ordinary covered includes things like weather and vandalism but some hazards like floods may be excluded.
Loss of personal property. This may include damage or theft up to you policy's limits. If you have property that is particularly valuable such as antiques, musical instruments of firearms, you may decide to purchase an additional endorsement for your policy. Often, a collection's value is above the limited of your policy.
Personal liability. This coverage can protect yourself or a family member if you were to cause injury or property damage. Your policy may also protect you if someone is injured on your property.
Living expenses. Some policies will pay for alternative living arrangements if you home is deemed uninhabitable.

Do I have to have homeowners insurance?
If you have a mortgage, your mortgage company will insist upon a homeowners policy. In fact, some state require you to have homeowners insurance. Regardless, it's a good idea to protect the investment you have made in your home with a homeowners policy.

How much of a homeowners policy do I need?
To begin, you'll want to ensure your home for what it would cost to replace your home. This is not the value of what your home may sell for, rather it's the value of what it
would cost to rebuilt. You'll also want to determine the value of your personal property.

What can be done to lower my homeowner insurance costs?
Some insurance companies offer discounts if your home is equipped with a monitored security system, a monitored fire or smoke alarm system or a sprinkler system. Each insurance company offers their own discounts.

Do you offer homeowners insurance for Medford, NJ residents?
Yes! We'd be glad to talk to Medford home owners about their insurance needs.