Being An Independent Agency Has It's Benefits!
Always your best value for car insurance in Medford, NJ. we will help you find the right plan for auto insurance in Medford, NJ, and the surrounding areas.
As an independent agency, we can compare all the companies we represent to ensure that you get the very best value for your automobile insurance dollar. Some of the auto insurance firms we represent include:
The Hartford
Frequently Asked Insurance Questions
If I have multiple vehicles, should I insure them all with the same company?
Yes! Many insurers offer multi-car discounts which encourage families or groups to have a single policy to cover all vehicles. Often, substantial savings can be realized, too.

Do The Safety Features Of My New Car Influence My Insurance Rate?
Yes! Anti-lock braking systems, anti-theft systems, multiple air-bags...and even your car's safety rating by the National Institute for Highway Safety can make a decided difference in your rates. Also, selecting a "high performance" model of your car can also affect your rates.

What Can I Do to Help Lower My Auto Insurance Costs?
First, shop around. We'll compare all of the companies we represent for you so you can get the very best value.
Second, while raising your deductibles can expose you to a bit of risk, it can also lower your premiums. Your premiums can be affected as much as 40% by raising your deductibles.
On an older car, you can often delete your collision coverage for a substantial savings.
Low mileage discounts are also often available for customers or vehicles that are driven infrequently.
While making installment payments may be convenient, they also can cost a few dollars if it's possible to pay your entire premium's another way to save.
Finally, combine your auto and home policies with the same company. Often, insurers will offer a discount if all your business is with one firm.

What If I Add Special Equipment To My Car?
Depending on the equipment added, like a new stereo system, you may want to purchase additional coverage. Typically, an auto insurance policy only covers factory installed equipment and options.